At the College of International Education our focus is creating the best possible educational experience for our students. To ensure our students are well-equipped for a smooth transition to their chosen university degree, our Student Experience Team offers a range of support services tailored to the specific needs of international students.
- Support Services
- Academic Guidance
- Student Engagement
- SELTS Feedback Survey
- Student Wellbeing
- Accommodation
- Under 18 Arrangements
Support Services
Our Student Services Team’s focus is to help students make the most of their time at the College and overcome any challenges they might face. Our team is available to meet to discuss any issues or concerns at any time, both face to face or online.
Academic Guidance
Our Student Experience Team works closely with the College’s academics to monitor students’ academic performance and help students manage their workload to successfully progress to their degree of choice. During the study term, students are also invited to attend regular Progress Consultations in which they can discuss their academic performance, raise concerns and provide feedback.
Student Engagement
A range of online and on campus events and workshops is held throughout the year and advertised via email. These interactive events aim to provide further support to students and connect them to our vibrant student community.
College students are also welcome to join one or more of the over 100 University clubs and societies available at the University of Newcastle. Joining a club or society is the best way to make friends, improve your English skills and make the most of your time at University. Find out more here.
Selt Feedback Survey
We care about what our students have to say and student feedback is invaluable in helping us provide services tailored to the needs of our students. The Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) survey is your opportunity to tell us what you think about your courses, academic staff, services and facilities. Keep an eye out on your student inbox for your personal SELT survey link!
Student Wellbeing
Student safety and wellbeing are the College’s utmost priorities. To ensure students have a safe and successful educational journey with us, we provide a range of wellbeing and safety services, as well as assist you in accessing wellbeing services in Newcastle. Find out more here.
Whether you’re looking to live close to the Newcastle CBD, on campus at Student Living at the Callaghan Campus or with an Australian homestay family, our Student Experience Team can help you find the perfect place to live while you study with us. To find out more about the accommodation options available to our students, click here.
Under-18 Arrangements
Students under the age of 18 are considered to be minors by Australian law and, as such, the College must ensure they have the appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements in place before they enter Australia, unless they are under the care of a parent or nominated relative living in the country.
If the student is under the care of the University:
- a Parental Representative will be appointed who will oversee the student's welfare arrangements until they turn 18 years of age; and
- The student/parent must apply for homestay via the Australian Homestay Network (AHN).
Once the student has been appointed a Parental Representative and secured their homestay, the College will be able to issue a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW). Students will need their CAAW and Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) when applying for a student visa.